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Regular season (Oct-March) Skating Season is now CLOSED. Registration for the 2025-26 skating season will open up in August 2025. Stay tuned for details.

What is Rowan's Law?
Rowan's Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as second impact syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed). Rowan is believed to have experienced three concussions over six days while playing rugby. She had a concussion but didn't know her brain needed time to heal, neither did her parents, teachers or coaches. 
Concussion Awareness

Literature For Ages 15 yrs and Up

Ages 15 yrs & Up

Concussion Awareness

Literature for Ages 11-14 yrs

AGES 11-14 YRS

Concussion Awareness

Literature for Ages 10 yrs and Under

Ages 10yrs & UNDER

Concussion Code of Conduct

For Athelete & Parents/Guardians (for Athletes under 18 yrs)




For Athletes & Parents/Guardians

Acknowledgement Form - REQUIRED



Walkerton Figure Skating Club 2024-25 Season

Register Today!